Mar 15, 2011

World Series Art

 I was on the 30 bus heading downtown from the marina the other day. I noticed this mural as we passed by, and hopped off the bus at the next stop. This tribute to the World Champion Giants is located in North Beach right across the street from Washington Square Park. Let me just come right out and say that I am not a Giants fan. I am from LA and stay true to the blue. But I can appreciate good art regardless of my baseball affiliation. This mural was painted by Mark Bode, the son of legendary cartoonist Vaughn Bode. He specializes in murals, tattoos, and cartoon art.

This mural is quite large, and stretches around the corner. It is painted on a construction scaffolding, and will most likely be torn down in the near future. What I like about this painting is the attention to personality. Bode captures the players in their true form, and in turn it allows these athletes to seem more accessible to the public. This mural features Tim Lincecum, Brian Wilson, Edgar Renteria and manager Bruce Bochy.


  1. Cool stuff. I don't really watch baseball myself, but still I'm impressed with the artwork and its historic importance, as it documents and important part of San Francisco sports history.

  2. Cool murals displaying the Giants' World Series win.

  3. I think it's awesome that you hoped off the bus just to snap a picture of this artwork! Great use of links! Good research on who painted these.

  4. Really Great Documentation,via Tony,

    "True to the blue," dude, that did create credibility from a writing stand point, but, dude, come'on. I'm just kidding. Very cool to take the three pictures. I thought it was good to lead with the Lincecum picture first, because it created a context early for the reader. So, good job with the whole storytelling aspect of this post. I felt like I got on the bus, and then off the bus to see a mural with you-(which as a reader- I should have that experience). Take Care.

  5. I love how something like winning the World Series can bring a city closer together. If you are from the bay area and you walk by a mural like this one you can't help but smile and say "Go Giants!" If you aren't from the bay area you may not say "Go Giants!" but you still smile because you know that you are in a city filled with love.


Tell me what you think.